*Still being written.
Founded in 2015, Truckfaults provides fault codes diagnostic information and resources for drivers, technicians, shop owners and fleet managers. We are located in Detroit, MI and thanks to our users our resources reach in just a little over 120 countries around the world.
We believe there are multiple ways to improve truck efficiency. One way is diagnosing through fault codes data. Fault codes have the power to inform the technician or driver to pin point the issues a truck is having or will likely have.
Our core value is reflected around the idea that its more than a semi-truck its a lifestyle that can not be changed or understood overnight. Truckfaults understands this and developing a system that better supports the driver is our main goal.
We make sure to strive and provide you with all the information you need.
We approach everything with explaining each fault code from a technical background.
We set out to minimize downtime and keep trucks on the road longer.